Title: To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.
As I see it, on top of credit card, car, and mortgage payments and interest, approximately $9.96 is the laboring man's debt to the owners of the Federal Reserve for each $10.00 of his labor. Here's how:
The "bill" which a laboring man perceives he has earned for his labor cost the Federal Reserve approximately4.2 cents to print - regardless of its denomination. In reality this means that for every $10.00 of a man's labor, he is in debt approximately $9.96 to the owners of the Federal Reserve; $19.96 for every $20.00, and $99.96 for every $100.00.
Should the proposed "national sales tax" be implemented at a typical 7% using the current currency: For every $100.00 purchase the American buyer makes, he or she will be indebted approximately $107.00 to the owners of the Federal Reserve, $21.40 for a $20.00 purchase, and $10.40 for every $10.00 purchase. Should the buyer use a debit card, the owners of the Federal Reserve's profit will increase by, at least, $.04.
Although this "national sales tax" - in reality - is somewhat better than the IRS' approximate 20% rate of extortion on the working man or woman's labor, it still does not meet the Constitutional criteria for a lawful monetary system.
It is my opinion that a "national sales tax" will not resolve the economic realities that are brought about by a debt based monetary system that is owned and operated by a cartel of private bankers; a Plutocracy.
From the "Title" definition of H.R.25 as found on the web, and the reasons given above, I will answer:
d... "Leans Against Support of HR25"
Thank you for requesting my feedback. I hope you will consider refocusing the energy of Americans For Fair Tax in a manner consistent with the founding principles of our Constitutional Republic.
Candidate Veronica Hannevig (District 10 PA)
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