Honestly examine your feelings as you watch these short videos:
Then, watch this 7 minute video
Then, watch this 7 minute video
and join Carl Klang as he sings "Paper Money."
Now: Can you believe:
There are still political candidates who will have you believe the absurd notion that we have security in our homeland? And,
That by subsidizing the profits of private insurance companies and pharmaceutical shareholders, lowering taxes on fiat money, and increasing foreign trade - with persons who know your DNA and hate you - they will be able to solve the problems that we are currently experiencing in America?
So; When you go to the polls to vote, remember that IT HAS BEEN MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN PARTIES who have made the laws upon which the courts must act. It has been Democrats and Republicans who have brokered unconcionable debt servitude for your descendents and sent our nation's young men and women into foreign conflicts.
There are still political candidates who will have you believe the absurd notion that we have security in our homeland? And,
That by subsidizing the profits of private insurance companies and pharmaceutical shareholders, lowering taxes on fiat money, and increasing foreign trade - with persons who know your DNA and hate you - they will be able to solve the problems that we are currently experiencing in America?
So; When you go to the polls to vote, remember that IT HAS BEEN MEMBERS OF THE DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN PARTIES who have made the laws upon which the courts must act. It has been Democrats and Republicans who have brokered unconcionable debt servitude for your descendents and sent our nation's young men and women into foreign conflicts.
Show that you care.
Next time you vote, write in the candidate of your choice. Or, vote for candidates who have gained ballot access with a minor party.