Friday, February 02, 2007


The United States is foisting its commercial styled "democracy" upon nations worldwide. The good people in these nations need to know what life is like for Americans who believe themselves to be free. They need to know that our nation, too, has been occupied by a belligerent commercial power and, by presumption - in a business-as-usual manner - what is being done to us, will - without question - be done to them.

In a "nutshell" here's how it works:

In the United States, without regard to comity, an oligarchy of plutocrats hand pick law makers who promise Americans benefits and privileges upon "application". Along with the application process, there is (usually) a request for a sum of money to legally seal the contract.

The oligarchy oversee their lawmakers to assure that the laws they pass will legally convey to them title to all that is privately owned.

In the United States one example of the oligarchy's incremental occupation of America can be found in the doublespeak of the 13th Amendment. Notice that while "Involuntary servitude" is outlawed, "voluntary servitude" by application is not. Notice also that section 2 of the 13th Amendment the oligarchy assured their continued dominion by inserting; "Congress shall have the Power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation"; and, "legislation" defines the laws upon which the courts must act. Furthermore, craftily worded "laws" and "rules" convict men and women of crimes, which, under the Ten Commandments, they would be acquitted.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the more irrelevant the law, the more convictions the judges in their courts can adjudicate, the more fines they can impose, and the more jobs they can create to keep the (statutory) criminals in check.

Because "comity" for the Ten Commandments and the commonlaw are not within their laws, if an otherwise free American man or woman asserts that he or she does not want the benefits and privileges of this insidious fraudulent form of indebted servitude and chooses not to volunteer, he or she is treated as a "fugitive slave" and will be duly convicted of some statutory crime, seemingly under some hidden "code".

When an American questions statute, code, jurisdiction or authority, the oligarchy has legislated to themselves a marvelous network of protections wherein they "exempt" themselves from ever having to give account to their creditors, i.e., the American people to whom the plutocrats are indebted by virtue of their imposed debt based monetary system.

The picture (below) describes what it feels like for freedom loving Americans under the oppressive dominion of the corporate United States. As pictured, some have already been wholly, or partially devoured emotionally and financially: The rest know that it is just a matter of time before it is them.

"Comity toward nations", is a concept that is disregarded in the legislation put forth by agents of the plutocratic oligarchy as they economically conquer our nations under the guise of "democracy".

Comity is defined as: courteous respect by one nation for the laws and institutions of another
. . .
Comity of nations in International Law is the courtesy by which nations recognize within their own territory, or in their courts, the peculiar institutions of another nation or the rights and privileges acquired by its citizens in their own land. By some authorities private international law rests on this comity, but the better opinion is that it is part of the common law of the land, and hence is obligatory as law.

A synonym for comity is: Civility; good breeding; courtesy; good will.