Are police officers of your local corporate municipality willing participants in a "seditious conspiracy" to overthrow our guaranteed "republican Form of government"?
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Veronica "Niki" HANNEVIG
Petitioning Process for Senate District 22 - Pennsylvania
315 Main Street, Simpson, Pennsylvania 18407
Ph: 570-851-6982 ~ e-mail:
MILITARY: U.S. Navy (MA3) and "Navy Wife" - 1961 - 1974 CHILDREN: Seven children, fourteen grandchildren, great-grandchildren are in the process of being counted :-)
1960 - Fell High School, Simpson, Pa
1987 - University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Tx - B.S. - Rehabilitation Science with emphasis on Addictions
1990 - University of Scranton, Scranton, Pa - M.S. - Rehabilitation Counseling with emphasis on Human Resources Administration
2004 - Marywood University, NEPA Conflict Resolution Institute, Scranton, Pa - Certificate of Achievement - Conflict Resolution
SUMMARY OF WORK HISTORY: Retired Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) with background in data processing, substitute teaching, medical and vocational case management supervision, and counseling of injured workers and substance abusers. Demonstrated ability to independently organize efficient work schedules, problem solve, encourage, motivate, mediate, communicate and interact with people to achieve predetermined or negotiated goals.
PLATFORM (in alphabetical order):
ABORTION Abortion denies "Due Process" to the victim/fetus/infant. Congress must neither legislate or condone unlawful acts.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Legislators who elevate(d) one group of people above another by statute facilitate(d) Hate Crimes.
CLONING Cloning and "synthetic cells" are more than moral issue. Cloning is a legal and ethical issue that involves the Patent Rights of particular DNA and the potential for commercial ownership, maintenance and use of Cloned Human Resources who have that DNA in their cells; real and/or synthetic.
DRUGS I will work toward; eliminating federal funding for programs associated with the "war on drugs" and encourage community based education that promotes and sustains self responsible behaviors.
EDUCATION Providing education exceeds the responsibility of the federal government and their jurisdiction over the families of a free people. See Intellectual Property and Chattel.
EMPLOYMENT Congressional legislation that protects and defends big corporations hinder the natural creativity of the people and the superior products that result from local manufacturing and fair and open competition. Transitional changes into a truly "free market economy" will be encouraged and facilitated.
THE ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY Public education about good stewardship and basic natural principles of science and ecology that facilitate individual production of local renewable energy for personal and commercial ventures will be encouraged.
GLOBAL ECONOMICS AND DIPLOMACY Congressmen and women must differentiate between their Congressional responsibilities to the general welfare of the people within these united States of America, and the CEO's of United States Corporations/"persons" who do business with leaders of foreign governments using debt based currencies.
GUN CONTROL Concealed guns and gun safety lessons should be community mandated and responsible participation regulated from within families. Safety locks should be provided with each weapon and used at the discretion of family members.
HEALTHCARE Providing health care is not a responsibility of the federal government. Those who are dependent on pharmaceuticals, however, must be assured that they will continue to receive safe and affordable drugs without alienating the Rights of free people to Life and Liberty when providing for their own healthcare. A free people's choice in Healthcare should be unencumbered by fear and federal regulations.
IMMIGRATION I support making English our official national language and will refuse to pass legislation that would mandate federal or State amnesty and care for illegal immigrants.
INTERNATIONAL AID, POLICY AND TRADE Congress has no lawful authority to use the labor of American people as collateral to secure debts for leaders of foreign nations.
MARRIAGE Because Congress' Powers are Constitutionally limited to their jurisdiction over commerce, I oppose any Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would even imply an attached commercial jurisdiction over the personal relationships and families of an otherwise free people.
THE PATRIOT ACT I will represent in Congress the free people in Pennsylvania in accordance with the Pennsylvania Constitution (Article III, Section 16), "The citizens of the Commonwealth shall be armed, organized and disciplined for its defense . . . "
SOCIAL SECURITY Participation in Social Security was originally voluntary. The Social Security Administrators must be made to honor their commitment to the agreement they entered with an otherwise free people who fulfilled their part of the agreement.
TAXATION I support elimination of the Federal Reserve and its debt based monetary system, and the return of monetary responsibility to a Constitutionally principled Congress.
TERRORISM Operationalized, "Democracies" are by definition emotion driven. "Terror" is an emotion. Terror is overcome when one either feels empowered or doesn't care whether he or she feels empowered because he or she is on drugs. Gun "control" and "hate" crimes legislation disempowers Americans. And a "womb to tomb" pharmaceutical dole will certainly make Americans not care.
THE UNITED NATIONS The United Nations, and other for-profit and non-profit organizations (NGO's) must be prohibited in their usurpation of the Powers given to Congress by a free people in accordance with their State Constitutions.
THE WAR IN IRAQ Entities who hold positions to profit from Iraqi oil reserves should be required to pay reparations to the families (both Iraqi and American) of those who suffered losses. The burden of payment for this war should not be borne by innocent Americans.
WELFARE AND POVERTY I will work to abolish all federal welfare programs and un-shackle ministries from their 501c3 restraints so that they are at liberty to facilitate vocations within their assemblies according to the needs of their local community.
Here are some suggestions to get the most from the following 2004 video interview:
1. Remember that I am a part of "We", as in "We the People", and not a well polished product of a "political machine".
2. After each question "pause" the video and answer the question as if it was asked of you, then restart the video to hear my answer.
3. If, after watching this video, you believe I would be able to best represent your views in Congress, share this video, and;
4. Assist me, and other Constitution Party nominees, with gaining ballot access through Pennsylvania's mandated petitioning process. Click "here" to see how I did when I was on the ballot in 2004.
5. To find out about your State's Democrat and Republican promulgated ballot access laws, click on Ballot Access News.
6. To volunteer with the Constitution Party in your State, contact Gary Odom at 1-800-2-VETO-IRS, or e-mail him at In Pennsylvania, go to, or contact Wes Thompson at, or 1-412-303-0205.
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Has the United States been re-venued into 'the crown's' feudalistic system of governance?
Lack of meaningful work and loss of property causes stress. And, long term stress can lead to serious health problems.
So; What form of government has the United States?

And, what is "the crown"?